Light of Dharma Grant from Terton Sogyal Trust
Fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche
We are pleased to announce that we have recently received a Light of Dharma grant from the Terton Sogyal Foundation to translate the Instructions on the Stages of the Practice of the Approach and Accomplishment of the Guru, Yidam Deity and Ḍākinī of the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse (klong chen snying thig gi rtsa ba gsum gyi bsnyen sgrub bya ba'i rim pa grub brnyes rig 'dzin gong ma'i gshegs shul) written by the late Fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche (1927-2022). This text is basically a running order on how to practice in retreat the three roots of the Longchen Nyingtik: the Gathering of Vidyādharas (Rigdzin Düpa), the Gathering of Awesome Ones (Palchen Düpa), and the Queen of Great Bliss (Yumka Dechen Gyalmo). These instructions apply to all the other Longchen Nyingtik sadhanas such as: Dukngal Rangdrol, Tiglé Gyachen, Takhyung Barwa, Sengé Dongma, etc.
The text also includes practical advice such as how to set up one’s shrine, chöpöning, and how to play the bell. It spells out very precisely the running order of each retreat session during the preliminary day, the approach and accomplishment phases and receiving the siddhis. The successive Dodrupchen Rinpoches and Dodrupchen Monastery have been the main holders of the Longchen Nyingtik tradition, so this text is really of the utmost importance.
We have already started translating the text and hope to complete the translation this year.