Report November 2024 - The Prophetic Guide

The Boudha Stupa in Kathmandu

This month we published one major new text: Casket of Enlightened Mind, the Prophetic Guide for the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse, revealed by Jigme Lingpa.

This prophetic guide of the Longchen Nyingtik was revealed during Jigme Lingpa's initial vision of the Longchen Nyingtik in which he flew to the Boudha stūpa in Nepal. The text recounts the history of Padmasambhava's entrustment of the treasure to the destined disciples, who would later emanate as Jigme Lingpa and his students, to reveal and propagate the Longchen Nyingtik. It also refers to key events in Jigme Lingpa's life and the physical and psychological attributes that identify him as the treasure revealer.

On the second storey of the temple emanated from Akaniṣṭha,
The Blazing Turquoise Chamber,
The heart disciples—the King, the subject and the friend—
Were shown this casket containing a hidden manual of most vital direct instructions
For the profound cycle of the Heart Essence.
When the signs of the self-arisen ḍākinī of the three kāyas were revealed,
The disciples presented a maṇḍala of gold and turquoise,
And, without a second thought, offered their body, speech and mind.

“Lord Guru, knower of the three times—
Now, during this excellent age, we are fortunate.
Yet in the future, in the final five-hundred-year age,
Beings will be swept away by waves of suffering.

“At that time, we—the king, the subject and the friend—
Will have attained liberation through your compassion, venerable master.
Yet, for the benefit of disciples,
We will emanate again and again.
With our reins we will lead competent and pure disciples
To a better state.
Omniscient Guru, we request you to reveal to us
Who are gathered here now
The character of places where the teachings will appear,
And the circumstances in which they will be taught.
— The Prophetic Guide for the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse


Report December 2024: Rigdzin Düpa Jinsek


Report October 2024: Elaborate Rigdzin Düpa Wang